Problem with OF 62 video player

by chaotic*neutral @ 6:11 pm 25 April 2011

After trying for hours to get ofMoviePlayer to do a simple loadmovie case switch, I found on the forums that there is a problem with the 62 video player.

Therefore for generative video cuts, I have to rollback to OF61 video player

1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/25:

    Very interesting project. One idea for a future extension could be to learn the probabilities that you showed (they look a lot like coming from a Markov Chain ). If you come up with a few features for the clips you have, I bet you could learn what is more relevant or isn’t (like the property of people remembering some scenes). If you learn this model, then you could just add a new clip to your system, and tell it what its features are. Then you shouldn’t need to worry about probabilities any more, because the system already knows what to care about :) I’m guessing you could use very simple machine learning for this (like bayesian inference )

    The transition matrix was a good idea. The clips were pretty funny. I think for the final show you should make it live because the DVD may take away from the work you did and look like you faked it. It’d be cooler to have your laptop there and your probability matrix on the side so people can understand what’s going on.
    i like the short snippets too though
    Transition Matrix == Markov Matrix
    What if you could evolve the transition matrix based on user input? Press a button when a cut is awkward.
    Not enough time for this, but maybe (if this author is right) you should do your cuts based on blink detection:
    A cross fade in audio isn’t usually noticeable, cross fade the audio, keep the hard cut in the video.
    If you want more of a smooth transition then you should cache the beginning of the video you cut to in memory.
    Pretty cool, looks like you’ve done a lot here. I wish you had lines too. Try just a fast fade out / fade in. The speakers give that ‘splat’ because the cone is out when all sound cuts, and it falls a long way. You will still have a small audio pause between scenes, but it may not ‘hit’ the audienece as it does now.
    this is funny. nice acting.
    I wanted there to be lines, but now that I see the whole frame work, I get it. In the beginng, what I was hoping you were going to say was that you were adding yourself to these movies, and then re-release them on bittorrent.
    This is a really great solution to the problem of generative editing.
    Would there be any way for you to crossfade the sounds somehow?
    NO TO Crossfades! I dont mind it silent actually. Silent film is a genera in itself.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 11:41 am

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