Meg Richards – Final Project Update

by Meg Richards @ 2:57 am 25 April 2011

I’m working on correctly calculating the bounce direction and velocity. Using OpenNI, I track the y position of the base of the neck. With a small time delta, I look at the difference between the two positions to get a reasonable approximation of both direction and velocity. After introducing an actual trampoline, I had to significantly reduce my periodic sampling because I could perform a full bounce and return to a position close to the source position before the sample would be taken. I haven’t mapped velocity to sidescrolling action, so there isn’t much to see, but here’s a picture of a trampoline:

Bounce bounce bounce.

1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/20

    I feel like if you are going to have the screen on front of you when playing, maybe the perspective view might work better.
    Jumping up to go over seems awkward. Maybe log rolling? <--- eww <--- She said it Being able to see yourself does make a big difference in the play experience, I think that piece of feedback needs to be solid. Watch out an asking people to jump on one of those for a long time, it really makes your spine hurt the next day. Skiers train on them, but they focus it all into their legs and their backs appear to be vertically stable as they "jump" their legs. Need to see gameplay!! jumps as you go!!!!!! How would you move forward in a side scrolling game? What gestures....turn and face?...lift legs individually? Suggestions for reporting at the interface: Current Tempo [Beats (Hops) Per Minute], Highest Hop, Number (count) of Hops, Approximate Calories burned (Cumulative)

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 12:02 pm

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