KinectPortal – Final Check-In

by Ward Penney @ 9:49 am 25 April 2011


This is my initial auto thresholding. You can see the depth histogram on the bottom.

This one uses ofxControlPanel to allow for adjustment of some settings and a video library.


1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/25:

    Yay you’re almost there! Keep going. This is going to be good.
    Something about this strikes me as sci-fi. People, boxes, histograms, the future.
    What’s the project again?
    Your compilation problem is probably an uninitialized variable. Make sure you set your floats/ints to zero. Unlike in Java there’s no guarantee they’ll be reset on allocation.
    Red ball?? You can be way more clever than that.
    If you get this augmented reality thing working send it to Bruce Sterling. He will tweet it and I will be jealous.
    a 3d object is a must. or PONG!
    badazzzzzzzz sheet mannnnn
    think virtual sculpture of video or whatever, i have some content that is rendered to a video if u want
    dir list that people can mix diff vids on the fly
    news feed? eh – text will be pixely

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 11:42 am

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