
by susanlin @ 8:57 am 20 April 2011

start here

1. color – sepia, minimal
2. lineart – edges are important
3. trails – particles or such

Live Feed, 2-toned

Edge detection, understood and working stand-alone

Combining? Broke it. Inefficient keyboard banging to no means, eyes bleeding. (This is a overlay Photoshopped to demonstrate the somewhat desired effect.)

Next: oFlow, learning from this good example found at openprocessing…

Scoping… Make this into a part in series of learning bits of coding.
Combos in mind include:
1. 2 color + trails
2. 8bit/block people + springs
3. Ballpit people / colorblind test people + boids

Display may be something like this..

1 Comment

  1. comments from the crit, 4/20:

    The 8bit/block people sounds cool to me, partly because I was considering doing something similar for my project. I think you should pick this and pursue it. Don’t lose more time trying to choose your project.

    The three combos, one of those sounds like enough work for the weekend to polish it to finished.

    Have you narrowed your focus? It seems youve chosen a process, but your not sure what to do wth it on the aesthetic/functional end … which is needed at this point. I agree with the above, it makes more sense to focus on one implementaiton then 3, it will probably take more work then you think …

    Ballpit people sounds tough. Circle packing?

    Are you on a mac? Check out Quartz Composer. It’s a great tool for making video mirrors.
    This guy has some good resources on QC and shaders: http://machinesdontcare.wordpress.com/

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 12:14 pm

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