Mark Shuster – Final – Update

by mshuster @ 7:47 am 20 April 2011

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1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit, 4/20:

    If you want to make an apple pie from scratch…

    Have you used Coffeescript? Probably won’t solve your problems but I <3 it. <-- Script Boi! <-- Huh? Javascript is a scripting language that Coffeescript compiles to. It would be nice if you could separate the audio track form the video track. nice work! the bar at the bottom is awesome. This... is rad. I don't know if you need multitracking (though it would be nice), I think polishing the single track interface is a better focus right now. Also could help to have clips magnetically snap together so that they play seamlessly. Really nice work. Consider expanding on the remixing functionality. It'll be fun. Dude! that is awesome, you are nuts. Suggestions: -make the video clips in the final timeline "snap" next to each other, so you don't have dead space. -Also make them "snap" to the front end. -Leave the ability to drag clips in the final timeline. -As you drag a clip, show it "fitting" in to give drop feedback (HCI FTW). Just have one main video - just have one main window that plays the video and switches instantly - save / restore is an issue for viral release. don't mess with logins, just handle the url stub, similar to piratepad and others. Sick work though. list-style-type: none; !! The way you are able to grab content and control how it is played in the timeline is very cool. I wonder if you could prompt people with some loose structure of the video on the timeline - like intro, conclusion, etc - so that they can drag content into those areas and have some loose framework as a starting point. it needs a way to save so that people can share them with each other. also a name. a more robust search -- perhaps pagination of results? or mayhaps, a way to more accurately search for specific videos, maybe by video number. SICKKKK I'll be REALLY happy when you have a great UI on this thing. This is fucking AMAZING. I can see this being released as a web app and used by a whole shitload of people to create a massive amount of new media. You just put some sort of wonderful bastard version of final cut into the hands of the masses. You, sir, are the man. ˆ+1 May want to bring a design student in on helping with the UI? Fantastic software deserves a fantastic interface. OMFG Fully Sick! Maybe not have such a large "play area" so it is a more compact and you don't have so many "silent" moments. I'd love to see the videos actually intercut. so cool so cool so cool. Wow, that's impressive. How can you upload it directly to youtube/vimeo from your site??? Very nice. Lots of work needs to be done, but I think the interface can use a lot of work. For a final presentation, maybe it's more important than getting all the features implemented?

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 12:13 pm

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