Eric Brockmeyer – Final Project Update – CNC Food

by eric.brockmeyer @ 6:52 am 20 April 2011


Mixing meringue.

Attempt at pushing and pulling meringue peaks.

Various tooling attempts, some 3d printed, some household utensils.

Unfortunate results…

CNC Meringue from eric brockmeyer on Vimeo.


M and M pattern.

M and M setup including, CNC machine, hacked vacuum cleaner, and LinuxCNC Controller.

Pick and place M and M machine.


CNC M and M’s from eric brockmeyer on Vimeo.

1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/20:

    Yay, this looks pretty sweet. You make the craft look easy.
    neat neat neat! I can’t wait to see you do something other than text… I don’t know how I feel about doing anything with peeps though. Sounds…. gooey.
    < Disagree. Anything with peeps sounds destructive and delicious. Agreed. Looks good! Fully Sick! POtential for 3d? I think I am just morally opposed to peeps in general I'll give you a list of like forty things you don't want to do with peeps people. I'm morally opposed as well, that's why the word flambé should be introduced as long as he doesn't burn the code lab down. The 2nd floor of CFA would never stop smelling like burnt peep "I wasn't using cream of tartar".. not something you usually hear in an art presentation :) What if you threw a bunch on the table and it had to remove some to make a pattern. yeah cream of tartar is super important, it makes it hard as rock. It looks delicious. Would be cool to do m&m pixel art. Nice videos for documentation. You could use Skittles too. The grid of cicles makes me think of candy dots. future developments...use a camera to pick n place by color, so you don't have to hardcode placement and end pattern? Nice mini CNC. cream of tartar is key there. also use a metal bowl cause plastic holds fats, which mess up your peaks. if you get any egg yolk, you're done :( Even the grid looks cool though. for the science behind the peaks.
    I’m impressed with the ingenuity you demonstrated with physical objects.
    Great documentation — very helpful blog post.
    Cool M&M experiment!
    Suspense for m&ms!
    Will you mix the tartar and M&Ms? Peeps? They can make eggcellent gui glue when wet …
    Giant Eagle Market District (on Center avenue in east liberty) has all the bins of individually colored M&Ms – you can get any color you want. Get them before Easter (this weekend!) or else!
    Dude! Grayscale M&M image taken with your webcam! I like this idea too! but it would take forever given how slowly that machine was moving.
    A couple of various ideas: have one that picks out a single color i.e. referencing the.. what do you call that.. the things that those arrogant rock stars ask when they go for a show. What’s that called again? Ah yes, riders. And yeah.. it’ll be fun too to construct 8 bit M&M Art. M&Mario.
    This is a pretty cool idea – I agree thatselecting different colors seems a bit ambitious for a couple days. I’d go with different hoppers for different colored M&Ms. OMG MELT PEEPS and stick them together.
    really cool!

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