Charles Doomany: Final Project Concept: UPDATE

by cdoomany @ 10:22 am 20 April 2011


1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/20 (about the tables):

    Did I post the lego genetic algorithm thing last time? That project is awesome.
    Whoa, what’s your successor function? I think that will be crucial. Do you just meld the legs together?
    I think the idea is pretty cool, but given the time you have it might be a safe backup plan to go for 2D instead of 3D. < -- I agree, 2D makes more sense for next week This is fucking sick. My only comment is that you need to make sure that the physics isn't dramatically affecting the "growth" or creation of the tables. If the table with genetic code XXXYZ doesn't look the same every time you run the simulation, there's no telling whether a slight modification will yield a slightly different table -> if physics is involved in laying out the legs, the table XXXYX could be totally fucking different. At that point, the genetic algorithm breaks down because incremental changes don’t yield incrementally different results.
    On the whole though, this is awesome. I want one. I think people would pay $500+ for a wood table made this way. IKEA can’t touch this shit.
    Looking good!
    Good presentation.

    Agreed that the visualization could be more tied to the content. Beautiful images so far, great experimentation. Keep those around.
    Keep working on it;;; can’t wait to see what you can come up with that connects more to the source material.
    Nice slides. Make it happen!
    Check out some of Arne Quinze’s work:
    I’m not feeling the single slab resting on top of the sticks…there has to be a better way to create a table-top without it being so disconnected from the formal and tectonic gestures of the sticks-
    check out top pictures 2-4
    Are you going to build one? 3d print some prototypes? <--Definitely meed to build it! You could test the tables with Angry Birds flying at them...

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 12:08 pm

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