
by Samia @ 6:11 am 13 April 2011

Thus far, I’ve been building the pieces of my project, and have a somewhat working, page-generator
Roadmap sketching:

Half one: generating pdfs! It’s happening! Currently generating single pages, this may be ideal, however, because I’m going to have to make an action in photoshop to automatically cut up spreads to be printed (hooray doublesided printing and perfect binding!).

Half two: building components of “visualizations” using my personal-schedule-data as a jumping off point to generate small viz that will be recombined on spreads to create the book. Right now, I only have two, and the mostly suck.

So right now, I can generate a rather simple, currently boring book, with a user specified page count

Now that the frame work functions, I need to really build all of the different visualization pieces, as well as rules for combining them, as well as start to deal with things such as variable pages size.

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