Le Wei – Final Project update

by Le Wei @ 10:36 pm 12 April 2011

Hard Part Solved update

What’s happening

I started this project without a clear idea as to how I wanted it to look or what sort of interaction I wanted to use. But so far, I’ve been working with the trackpad on my computer to create a little fingerpainting program, so I am going to narrow my focus to see how I can use this in a way that suits my project. I’ve also been able to integrate some sound output into the fingerpainting program, so that the way you move your fingers around the trackpad controls the sound coming out of the computer. I think this is a good foundation for implementing the rest of my project, I just need to make some decisions on how I want it to work in the end.

What’s solved

What now

  • Thinking about what I actually want (sketching, brainstorming)
  • Learning how to make sounds that aren’t ugly (using math and stuff I guess)

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