Susan Lin – Final Project: I changed my mind.

by susanlin @ 7:48 am 4 April 2011


Goal Recreate gestural animation effects using code.

Hurdle Final form: drawing tool? layer on top of video? images?

Napkin Sketch I call it “LoFi”

Question Recommended short-films to watch or things to read about animation/rotoscoping techniques? :)

1 Comment

  1. Here’s today’s comments:

    What if you used the motion capture lab?

    Check out the work of Bob Sabiston. Excellent starting point.

    This is similar to the comic filter in Comic Kinect and can be done with shaders … yeah, computational rotoscoping.

    Nice video. Like the idea. Should be a cool project.

    Nice visuals

    Is this going to have user input?

    Definetly play with OpenCV! The kinect for background subtraction would be useful as well.

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 4 April 2011 @ 4:45 pm

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