
by Samia @ 1:11 am 30 March 2011

1 Comment

  1. Here are the comments from today’s class:

    Very concrete goals, clear steps to make a successful porject Agreed. Makes a lot of sense, I think the output will be interesting depended on the themes… do a massive brainstorming session to figure out what you’re really interested in here. Content is key.

    Lewis Carroll! I like the poem idea. I think your choice of material could have significant impact on the end result. I liked Golan’s comment about your personal data.

    I think you’ve got a good handle on the process, theme is something you’ve got to choose. I like the idea of personal data, but it’s really whatever ends up interesting you the most.

    I think as it currently stands it’s more of a process than a form. I’m wondering if the process will become clearer when you have the “form” or “idea” grounded.

    I think basing this idea in a set of data or off of a pre-existing work is a good idea. Right now I just kind of want to ask why? Also, is there a way that you could push the notion of what a book is?

    How about if you use your old daily diary text entries as a basis for generating the page/images? You could generate different typographic layouts, etc.
    Or, an alphabet book? These things could provide a content framework on which to scaffold the rest.
    My main suggestion would be to NOT throw every technique at the book. Keep it tight and unified.

    See the nice “Here to there” posters made by Theo Watson and Emily Gobeille.

    This is pretty slick, but it seems like a massive project. I think it’d be good to place some arbitrary constraints on yourself (kind of like golan’s letter book) so that it’s a more approachable project.

    Ja I can see the virtual to real world transistion being an area for work. I’d say decided on what your format will be and make some tests, or vice versa … but don’t wait too long as printing could be the time choke point.

    Also, I woudl suggest you visit the artist book collection on the 4th floor of the Hunt Library. There is a full time art librarian from the school of art who woudl be happy to show you them. There are a number that are generated/designed and all of the books in the collection are pretty amazing.

    Definitely interesting stuff. Seems like you just need to narrow your focus a bit. (+2 I agree)

    Seems interesting. I like the diary idea. I guess my only advice would be to make sure you’re not trying to tackle too many things at once.

    Makes sense = yes, seems interesting = tentative yes. It sounds like you need to pick something & start moving forward just to get a stake in the ground & see what happens.

    I think in order to have a meaningful output, I think that the first goal is to narrow your focus onto one thing … whatever it is. And I would lean towards something simple (like the alphabet,, perhaps what is generatve is the cut/fold/color … making the interaction with each page new and unique for every iteration.)

    I think trying to tackle all different algorithms would be, one time consuming and, two, not aligned with the heart of your idea/interests. I like the idea of using your diary – that project was interesting. If not your diary, I think if you picked something close to you, this would be really awesome.

    Working on paper first is nice. Every time I’ve tried to make something generative directly on the computer it’s ended up looking like shit.

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 4 April 2011 @ 4:23 pm

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