Mark Shuster – Project 4 – Intro

by mshuster @ 6:12 am 30 March 2011

1 Comment

  1. Here are the comments for today’s class:

    Hasn’t this already been done? There have been A vs. B, (youtube doubler) but a real multitrack sequencer?
    You’re right, no sequencer… I think

    YouTube Piano:

    Oh this is awesome. I was thinking of doing something like this too! I think it’d be really cool to look at the transcripts attached to some YouTube videos. You could allow a user to input a sentence, like “I love my yo gabba gabba” and then use the transcript search feature to identify sections of videos with each words, cut out those bits, and string them together. Instant text to speech rich with culture. (Who is this? Ben? Haha yeah. Does it make sense to collaborate? -GL)

    Scrambled Hacks:

    2 Youtube Videos and a Mother Fucking Crossfader . com:

    OOOH GREAT IDEA. I assume you’re familiar with the remixes by Kutiman (thruYou), right? This is going to be a sick, sick, SICK internet hit. Also see the Emergency Broadcast Network (EBN) MIDI+video keyboard that was shown at Lollapalooza 1994….EBN did some work like this that was related, but lacked the network as a srouce/distribution medium.

    The interface should just be putting in a URL, a start time, and a duration per track.

    I like the YouTube mashup idea already, but be careful because I don’t think this would be a very interesting project if the videos are selected completely at random. (Though when I hear that Usher/Goat is a famous example of mashing up YouTube, who knows what combinations people will like.) Maybe you can work from a playlist where the videos are already related, or find some other interesting combination where there is some meaning established.

    This is an insane amount of work. Really it is. Making a tool versus making a sketch or idea is more work then you probably want to do. Also, I think restricting yourself to doing it on the web only may increase the complexity beyond the amount of time you have … What do you want to make? A tool or something for a more specific use, I think narrowing it down to something meaningful in a simple way is more achieveable. Also, what should it say/allow others to say?

    I’ve done several shows using youtube as the source (danceoke and the youtube-dl python script is a great, fast downloader:

    Also see this:

    Checkout Modu8, a useful vj tool that cna do realtime clip playback and speed control:

    SUPER COOL IDEA! I want. I think you should let the videos display randomly. People have different musical tastes. They would want to control which songs get mashed up.


    This will be super good if you succeed in putting it out on the web. Is this like, final cut pro for youtube videos?

    Definitely sounds ambitious. Even just working on the interface alone seems like a lot (at least based on what you showed for sketches).

    I am confident you can make this (technical side of it) work, though simplify the interface aspect of it.

    This sounds pretty ambitious.
    I think even the iMovie interface is too complicated for a website like this. Try not to add too many features. You should find your MVP and work towards that before you get more ambitious.

    I agree with the comment above. This could easily slip into specialty software that is difficult to learn and will impede new users. Although, who is the target audience? VJs? Musicians? Lay people?

    This looks solid! I’m sure you’ll get all of the technical pieces to work together. My one biggest concern is just about your ui design, which has been your weakest point in your projects. Be sure to sketch a lot of ui, and get feed back from other designers, even do some testing if you have time, so that the final ui makes sense. Agree with the above comment, make sure to figure out your audience.

    What about this is different than imovie? Is there specific art concept you want to drive people towards with this? I think that is what will differentiate it from a tool to a art project, unless you don’t want that.

    ‘s a great goal to have something that people can use

    YoutubeDoubler does have looping – it’s automatically enabled. Also, Youtube has a feature called AudioSwap where you can pull music from an online library and insert it into your uploaded video. Just mentioning similar features to look at.

    I’m not sure I totally understand what aspects of mashup culture come into play here if the user is uploading their own video – doesn’t that detach it from mashups? I think it’d be cool to make a browser extension/plugin that lets me press a button on any youtube video, swap audio/mash up video, and upload THAT remix to youtube.

    I don’t think you need to focus on the uploading part. I know that would be a nice feature to increase adoption, but I think taking that time to focus on the UI is a better choice of time. <- 1++

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 4 April 2011 @ 4:24 pm

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