Final project ideas

by honray @ 2:40 am 30 March 2011

1. Source of inspiration
My source of inspiration for this project is Hakim El Hattab’s HTML5 blob demo. I really liked the fluidness and interaction afforded by the demo, and I believe it would be a great experiment with this interaction further.

2. Artistic or design goal
I want to create a space where the user can interact with fluid blobs like these in an intuitive and enjoyable manner. Perhaps the user can interact with the blobs via a webcam or mouse. Another thought is to create on online synchronous platform where users can interact with one another’s blobs.

3. Technical hurdles
If the goal is to create an online synchronous platform, there would be hurdles in how synchronous play would be implemented.

4. Question to ask group
Any ideas on how to implement an online synchronous platform?

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1 Comment

  1. Here are today’s comments:

    If you want to make this novel, it definitely has to be pretty. I think there has been alot of social “virtual pets”, and even with the physics you need to set yours a notch above
    Check out this project

    I vote for mouse interaction. I think it will be more manageable for you, plus you don’t have to worry about drivers and that stuff.

    I agree that mouse interaction is better. Physics effects will feel stronger if you use something more physical.

    I like Golan’s idea of making it social and locative.

    Comet long poll is what you want

    Could be awesome as a mobile app, or an embeded avatar.

    could you integrate this with a pre-existing social network? facebook? twitter? foursquare?

    Blobbbbbbbbbbys! I would like to see this push new boundaries instead of being yet another virtual pet world.

    See some nice blobs made recently by Zach Lieberman:

    What about Blobs + locativity (e.g. Foursquare)? Something where you see other people as blobs on your mobile phone. And then just share lightweight networked data. < the blobs can merge, peopel can group if they want to etc ... Hey Ray, I'd like to talk to you about your blob. - Nisha How are the blobs created? Does it just randomly make one for you or do you have some control about what it looks like? Or is it created from some basic personal info? Or some other measure? I'm going to volunteer Mauricio for giving you multi-user advice, as his previous project had multiple users interacting over flash with Kinect. Phone blobs. Do it with asterisk. It'll be easy! riiighhtttt

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 4 April 2011 @ 4:44 pm

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