
by chaotic*neutral @ 8:01 am 30 March 2011

foo PDF

1 Comment

  1. Here are todays comments:

    What’s the connection between the two delivery methods?
    The car windshield sounds like a heads-up display to some degree…

    I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re trying to do…is it like a physical text message?

    WAaitgre—Ie w < <-- WHoa, subetha fail oops! << just a shitty algorithm Agree that I'm not clear on the connection. What if you could connect with other people on the road. I like the idea of what someone just said about the video... I liked Golan's idea. The tour guide!!! It would be interesting to imagine what happens when this goes wrong—when a bug in the display blinds you and makes you drive off the road. What if the display is in your rear window and intended for the car behind you? For the tour guide: maybe you could draw from the episode of Pete and Pete where the bus driver breaks up with his bus driver girlfriend and he drives the kids in the bus to all of the places that mark the significant events in their relationship. It's "Day of the Dot." Best Pete and Pete episode. plus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9WtjFhEGrM

    Stick with the Brisitsh voice as you say. Insane aunt our no, it’s better than all the robo voices.
    I think the british garmin voice has a blog. You should Google.

    Sounds like the main point of this is to cause you to crash your car. I don’t understand why it has to be in a car. No offence, but I’m not really interested in seeing your world as you are driving. Its not really that personal to you because we all drive along the same roads at all times of the day.
    Yes, reading on the Kindle sucks.
    Integrate with Color! Its a totally useful and well designed application.

    Real books are still read. People love them. Unlike audio CDs which are going away.

    I want a Kindle.

    Fuck eReaders…
    I read physical books still.

    I have a Kindle and love it. But for art/design books, it’s all about the physical.

    What is this “book” of which you speak

    I don’t understand how the concept differs from the printer. It’s mobile but what does that provide that’s different from connecting from a dorm room, through a printer, to the internet? There seems to be something important about the mobility/contextuality which is not yet explored.

    i do read physical books. i love physical books. i will never stop reading physical books ever.THIS. There’s something really lovely and tactile about a physical book that will never be replicated in an ebook.
    books will never stop being awesome. until our robot overlords ban printed text

    I like the idea of direct sending, and I don’t think tweets would be as interesting. Maybe car isn’t the best location, but I agree with you that the direct sending creates an interesting connection that’s worth exploring.

    Connecting with strangers online? Definitely possible. //Postsecret

    If you want to connect to the outside world in a car you turn on the radio. then realize you’re in Pittsburgh and slam your head on the dashboard. boooooo.

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