Looking Outwards-Final Project

by Ben Gotow @ 12:36 am 28 March 2011

I’m still tossing around ideas for my final project, but I’d like to do more experimentation with the kinect. Specifically, I think it’d be fun to do some high-quality background subtraction and separate the user from the rest of the scene. I’d like to create a hack in which the users body is distorted by a fun house mirror, while the background in the scene remains entirely unaffected. Other tricks, such as pixelating the users body or blurring it while keeping everything else intact could also be fun. The basic idea seems manageable, and I think I’d have some time left over to polish it and add a number of features. I’d like to draw on the auto calibration code I wrote for my previous kinect hack so that it’s easy to walk up and interact with the “circus mirror.”

I’ve been searching for about an hour, and it doesn’t look like anyone has done selective distortion of the RGB camera image off the kinect. I’m thinking something like this:

Imagine how much fun those Koreans would be having if the entire scene looked normal except for their stretched friend. It’s crazy mirror 2.0.

I think background subtraction (and then subsequent filling) would be important for this sort of hack, and it looks like progress has been made to do this in OpenFrameworks. The video below shows someone cutting themselves out of the kinect depth image and then hiding everything else in the scene.

To achieve the distortion of the user’s body, I’m hoping to do some low-level work in OpenGL. I’ve done some research in this area and it looks like using a framebuffer and some bump mapping might be a good approach. This article suggests using the camera image as a texture and then mapping it onto a bump mapped “mirror” plane:

Circus mirror and lens effects. Using a texture surface as the rendering target, render a scene (or a subset thereof) from the point of view of a mirror in your scene. Then use this rendered scene as the mirror’s texture, and use bump mapping to perturb the reflection/refraction according to the values in your bump map. This way the mirror could be bent and warped, like a funhouse mirror, to distort the view of the scene.

At any rate, we’ll see how it goes! I’d love to get some feedback on the idea. It seems like something I could get going pretty quickly, so I’m definitely looking for possible extensions / features that might make it more interesting!

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