LookingOutwards-Final project

by huaishup @ 11:22 pm 27 March 2011

For my final project, one of the possible trend is to keep working on the algrhythm project and make a set of physical drum bots. Ideally I’d like to create about 10 drum bots with different drum stick/ and in-built algorithm. These drums may pile up/ make a chain/ circle, tree or what ever. And see what kind of music can we get from these drums.

Some inspiration:

1. Yellow Drum Machine

This is a cute project. The drum machine has a IR sensor which, instead of make the robot avoid obstacles like most other robots do, lead the robot to these objects and beat them.


I saw this video on the last week’s What’s on talk. Jeff Lieberman showed his project absolut machines. Triggered by a piece of impromptu music, these set of machine robots will replay and revise the pattern. By combining different type of bots, the final work turn out to be a piece of art.

3. muchosucko

This project is from Georgia Tech. The drum robot will learn the percussion beat from the human and by applying some generate algorithm it will make more complicate but beautiful beats and play it together with the drum performer.

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