Looking Out – Project 5

by Ward Penney @ 11:00 pm 27 March 2011

Soul Stuff

I found this really weird video of people walking on a street, but they are colored and background subtracted in.

I have been thinking about doing some “soul” visualizations of the observers in a live installation. Some possible scenarios:

  • User walks up to a seemingly normal mirrored display of themselves. Then a moment later, a “soul” of their same person but more like a light outline, walks right to where they are and joins with them.
  • Other user’s pervious souls walk in and stand and approach the installation.

Here is the background subtraction camo example:


My friend has an idea to use the Kinect to direct a live presentation. That gave me an idea of using the Kinect to speak to a facetious large audience, and try to get them riled up. The user would talk and stand behind a podium. Perhaps like the state of the union? User walks up to the podium and half of them stand and clap. Say something with cadence and a partisan block stands? See this video of the the interaction in Kinect Sports:

But, apply it to this:
Barack Obama State of the Union


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