
by ppm @ 2:05 am 23 March 2011

So I saw some demos of Active Appearance Models like so:

And seeing them, I saw that they looked interesting. My original idea was to take the mesh animated by an AAM, detach it from the person’s face, put springs in for all the edges, and simulate it in Box2D. The physical properties of the mesh could vary depending on the person’s expression–springiness, fragility. A happy face could float up to the top, while a sad one could fall down.

What I have so far falls dramatically short, but it’s still fun to play with. I didn’t get an AAM working, and I’m using OpenCV’s face detector, which does not create a mesh. I only have physical bodies simulated in the corners of my rectangles, so the corners collide, while the rest passes through.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Paul, nice fun project. Please add a bit of written narrative documentation for your blog post. Below are the remarks from the class crit. -GL

    Face snaps in box 2d, nice simple interaction. Is there a way to make the face taking more automatic. Can the boxes be less stiff, and more like soft bodies?

    Super cool. You can do com very basic oval calculation and drop circles/eggs.

    I agree with Dan – springy boxes would be nice. interact with your own face boxes?

    I like the softly bouncing effect

    Nice start, stretchy!

    There are AAM libraries out there for OpenFrameworks — get them working!!!

    Comment by Golan Levin — 23 March 2011 @ 7:36 pm

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