Eric Brockmeyer – Project 4 – CNC Gastronomy

by eric.brockmeyer @ 7:00 pm 23 March 2011

CNC Gastronomy Presentation 1

1 Comment

  1. Hi Eric, You’ve done good research; please be sure to post your research here, ASAP – even if the project is not completed yet. Include your background research and your sketches. Below are remarks from the crit. -GL

    Nice attention-grabbing name. +1

    Herve != “Herv” but “Er-vay” (sorry, being an anal francophone) – true No, I can’t pronounce French worth a damn, but some things like names are easier.

    Beef Jerky cards. Nice previous project exmaple.

    3D printing food. Yay! + Yuck! Nice reference, thanks for cluing us into the book “Molecular Gastronomy” and the MIT Cornucopia project.

    Really exciting, I know you have been swamped, I hope it works out pretty well. I really like the idea of a cnc router that would carmelize my creme brule. Good luck with the g code generator.

    “Deformative rather than Additive or Subtractive” – nicely stated.

    Very interesting subject. Great approach to the medium.

    Cool project!

    How about milling frozen steaks to different thicknesses & porosities.

    The CNC router can only be programmed with GCodes? Wow. discuss why you’re not making a DXF etc.

    Please show a picture (rendering) of the auto-wisk + Meringue concept, and other ideas.

    Sound promising.
    Sounds tasty.

    This is an awesome space. I’m really curious how you will work with taste.

    Please give me a beef jerkey business card. Although it’s kinda gross to handle.

    Gastronomy —> cooking as science, this —> cooking as engineering

    Nice start, looking forward to the final outcome. Hope there’s food then, heh.

    This is really cool! I would love to see some examples. I would kind of like there to by a “why?” behind this.

    Always a baller, Brockmeyer.

    Can’t wait to see this!

    I look forward to eating your project at the final show.

    The meringue idea sounds really cool, I’d love to see it.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 23 March 2011 @ 7:02 pm

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