
by Samia @ 8:53 am 21 March 2011



1 Comment

  1. Hi Samia – here are the comments from the crit. Please finish your blog post soon — with a copy of the book PDF, and some written narrative to describe your process? GL

    I like the book!! Nice experimentation in Processing. I actually like how you stuck with variations of the same pattern. I find it interesting to see how it transforms.

    Nice to make a machine that generates a book, I agree.
    Also, good to see your history of tinkering (page 2 of your slide presentation).
    Check out Oscillons by Ben F. Laposky (1950-1956) — considered the first imagery generated by an electronic machine.

    What about dynamic assymetry? A little less symmetry could make this more interesting. Also see Scott Draves’ work for use of high-dynamic range imagery built from accumulation of small dots…

    The book is a great way to document that series of curves & tests, its something that is not paired too often with code.

    I like those patterns you showed before better than the butterfly ones, actually.

    It seems like the resolution on the book is quite low. Do you have antialiasing on? -its because i printed it on a crappy laser printer because it was free.

    Check out guilloché patterns

    Sweet stuff, they look good and completetely unique! Is there room for a butterfly effect storyline here? (sans Ashton Kurcher)- hhaha

    That’s a good way to start/get somewhere. Might want to take a look at
    Could use an index/table of contents/title/author/isbn (even though it’s “fake”… or not).

    Put your name in the book! ;)

    Looks great, I like the look and the variation.

    The book is a good product that shows the work you put into the project. It makes your exploration look very polished.


    The forms you generated look really nice and are interesting on their own. Cool idea to generate a whole book at once.

    Really nice. I’d actually be interested to see some of the values that generate each image attached to them.

    Pretty neat! I’d like if the image could be bigger

    I like the crossover of mediums (code -> paper). You could slow your presentation delivery down a little.

    Nice exploration.

    I’m glad you decided to print it out!!! It hasn’t come around to me yet, but I think the forms are beautiful. I personally like the symmetry.

    These are really beautiful. I would like there to be another layor of meaning behind the forms. but nice work.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 22 March 2011 @ 3:07 pm

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