
by Chong Han Chua @ 8:34 am 21 March 2011


1 Comment

  1. Hi Chong Han. This is a great project, it deserves a tight implementation. And a blog post with documentation! :) Looking forward – here are the crit notes. — GL

    Wow dude, how many technologies are going on here!? Very good looking site. It’s got the clean Twitter web 2.0 look and feel. One ring is good enough after hearing it many times. Maybe shift the text boxes side to side to say which is which clearer. Avatars need labels. More avatars, too. Randomize them. Gendered guess?

    — Guess at gender with a name lookup table?
    — Try to identify deep conversations with multiple back-and-forth
    — gotta clean up that speech with some simple heuristics… ignore URLS, btw = “by the way”, etc.

    Very clever hack. We were thinking about the same things.

    How fun! This would be a blast to throw out on the web. Is there a way to have it skip the Twitter names and @’s

    Great idea!! It’s really funny!

    Will Elvis and Girl be replaced with twitter avatars?
    ^don’t do it. Elvis is awesome

    I love the look you gave it. Retro.


    This. Is. Awesome. I love the avatars!

    The twringring namespace on twitter isn’t owned by you yet. You should snag it.

    Weird. Good weird.

    So cool. Definitely needs refining so you can make it a smash hit.

    What about a rough, cut-out animation of the mouth moving when one avatar is speaking?

    Even if it doesn’t work, it worked once and I’m fucking *impressed*.

    Such a fun idea and impressive execution! Your interface is pretty awesome too. Love the kitschy look. Would be fun to swtich out the avatars each time (like Golan said). Definitely get this online.

    lol @ the old school telephone ring. The humor reminds me of those videos made with the 2 forest creatures arguing about the iPhone and Evo. Attach it to trending topics!

    This is really, really funny! I love it! I can’t wait to see it fully functional.

    Good call on the aesthetic touches like the old-fashioned phone ring, photos & background.

    I will use this all the time! so funny! defs make some improvements.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 22 March 2011 @ 3:09 pm

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