Generative – BBGun

by Ward Penney @ 7:41 am 21 March 2011

BB Gun

For this project, I wanted to recreate the classic carnival BB gun game where there participant shots out a red star on a paper target. Well, I didn’t get the target, but I got the BB’s working in 3D space. Below is the video:

The user points the BB Gun with the mouse pointer and presses the spacebar to shoot BB’s. The BB’s are created using memo‘s MSA physics addon for Cinder. Special thanks to memo for his MSA Physics demo.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Ward – here are the comments from the crit. Please finish your documentation soon — GL.

    Great work! It would be cool if you took these little balls and transformed them into little alien people! And they should have lil mini alien voices…so the more you enter the more noise they make. Oh, and when you move the box you can change the orientation so they kind of collapse onto each other and giggle.

    How about a curved surface with bumps, etc. ?

    Get the aiming and the splatter working.

    Nice try with Cinder. Maybe the vector/laser thing is not taking into account the mouse position properly. The paint splotches shouldn’t be that hard (check the collision detector, paint circle where collision = true).

    Good job getting it going in Cinder. Phun with physics.

    Those shadows—are they real or just projector artifacts?

    Great work with Cinder, it can be intimidating but turned out smooth

    How come they all bunch up at one end of the room? It also might be nice if they pierced the wall and disappeared instead of just losing momentum and rolling around.

    I do think an effect would be a huge addition to the project. Perhaps even scorch marks…

    Would love to see the paint splatter idea come to fruition. The whole thing would benefit from a gui as well. That classic air powered BB gun / paintball gun sound would do well to be added as well in my opinion.

    Nice job getting this working in Cinder. I agree with above that the paintball idea is cool and would make this feel more complete conceptually. Looks fun to play with. Varying the surface would also be interesting if you are going to keep the balls on the screen, they could catch in different places or something. Adding sound could be cool too.

    I like how it turned out. i’m just wondering how and why the balls gravitate towards the side of the room. You should get some colours going it’ll be wild.

    The particle physics are looking good. Would be cool to act upon all the dead BBs at once, like shaking the box.

    I really like the way the little particles roll around on the bottom of the box. I’d love to see the paint splatter thing actually work. I kind of want to see a tilt feature, where you can shake up the box and jostle around the balls.

    Different “maps” might be fun and would take advantage of the decent particle system you have going there.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 22 March 2011 @ 2:59 pm

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