Susan Lin – Looking Outwards – 6: Generative Project Inspiration

by susanlin @ 9:35 pm 27 February 2011

Seed Drawings are drawings created by mechanical turkers which simulate one which a program could simulate.

Box Car 2D is a fun app which generates car using randomly chosen vectors (body) and circles (wheels) which are given random velocities. The program throws away cars that do poorly (do not finish the track or finish slowly) and throws out the data. Using that, eventually, the program creates increasingly better cars.

This is a fun app to watch for a few minutes due to the sheer ridiculousness of some of the cars. Sometimes, funny shaped cars work surprisingly well (didn’t catch a screenshot, but we saw  one wheeler with a huge wheel carry its tiny body to the finish line). Some are more sensible, especially toward the end of each run (shaped like motorcycles).

The author also has some nice write-ups explaining the algorithm and best cars.

This is a bit old, but was a project done by 2 friends for tigsource’s procedurally generated level contest. The simplicity and polish makes for a great game. The player does tricks on a sine wave which is randomly generated.

For my own project, I am also interested in creating a game of some sort.

Every game which was created for the mentioned contest is listed here.

Another one I liked from this contest was Dyson. In that game, you plant seeds on planets and try to maintain dominance from actually somewhat intelligent NPCs.


One more, Minus is less complex, but charming in its style and tranquility. As a bunny, you just keep jumping into the clouds (procedurally generated) and see how high you can get. It’s similar to iPhone game, Doodle Jump.

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