
by Samia @ 6:16 pm 27 February 2011

New Knitter


In looking at projects, I’m surprised by my inability to find many wearable projects, especially given that knitting lends itself well to computation with stitches as pixels, working from top to bottom. The news knitter does use this property of knitting, taking a day’s worth of news, and generating a wearable snapshot of of that day. Conceptually I love it, making tangible the news, something that has very real implication on world, but has no physical form. As a finished object, I am not particularly fond of it — it is a very blocky, kind of ugly sweater. For this project the form is, appropriately, a vessel. I, personally, am more interested in the possibility of computation being used to create beautiful wearable forms, in which the physical form is the content.

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