Charles Doomany- Looking Outwards: Generative Form

by cdoomany @ 7:55 pm 27 February 2011

FORM+CODE- Parameterize: Chair


A quite simplistic, yet powerful example of using parametric modeling to produce several random

iterations within some basic design constraints. What if the parametric process considered the

placement of assembly hardware so that the chairs could be fabricated and used as a functional

object? What if the iterative process embraced some darwinian principles in which the itterations

where chosen to survive and influence future iterations based on how optimal there form was?

“Favorable” forms could be defined by ergonomics or other external forces that determine optimal

functionality or use.



Neri Oxman: Cartesian Wax



“The project explores the notion of material organization as it is informed by structural and

environmental performance. A continuous tiling system is differentiated across its entire surface

area to accommodate a range of physical conditions of light transmission, heat flux, stored energy

modulation and structural support. The surface is thickened locally where it is structurally required

to support itself, and modulates its transparency according to the light conditions of its hosting



Neri Oxman: On Designing Form


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