Huaishu Peng + Charles Doomany: Project 3- Neurospasta

by cdoomany @ 3:22 am 25 February 2011

Neurospasta (Greek word usually translated as “puppets”, which means “string-pulling”, from nervus, meaning either sinew, tendon, muscle, string, or wire, and span, to pull), is a game without any defined objective or goal, but rather a platform for experimentation and play.

Neurospasta is am interactive two-player game in which the player’s physical movements are mapped to a 2D avatar. The game’s graphic interface consists of a set of manipulation functions which enable players to interact with their avatar as well as the other player’s.

In terms of software, we used Open NI for the skeletal tracking and OpenFrameworks for the UI and texture mapping.

*For future consideration, Neurospasta would include a larger selection of manipulation functions and in an ideal environment would be able to capture and generate avatar textures for accommodating new player identities.

1 Comment

  1. Great video!

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 26 February 2011 @ 3:47 pm

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