Le Wei and James Mulholland – Project 3 Final Will o’ the wisp

by Le Wei @ 8:47 am 21 February 2011


James will be posting the video at his post here.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Le/James – nice work; please document your project here. Comments from the Etherpads are below.

    a nice name for the project already, good to present the project straight up with a story

    nice perspective scaling, need feedback when the skeleton is detected,

    Looks very pretty in the dark. I like the 2 person interaction. Nice simple concept, which you framed well with the story.

    your narrative supports your demo nicely…maybe add a pulsing glow to the orb?

    As others have said, the background mythology really helps the project. Maybe if it glowed a different color briefly when it is passed from one person to another would be fun and help from debug side.

    Lovely work. I agree, the myth is really strong as. Bring out the narrative myth more in the final experience. For example:
    — Make the ball image into an animation of a pulsing energy sphere
    — Add swamp sounds: crickets, frogs, energy vibration hums, appropriate music
    — Additional overlays: steam or other wispy gas trails; fireflies

    Nice Slides. I like how you executed the idea…maybe you can track the wrist/palm movement to pass the ball back and forth better.

    I’m glad you are using video of yourselves behind the wisp .png, it has a really nice effect.

    When it’s not jumping, the movement of the wisp is really really nice. Getting that movement down and removing the jumping seems like it would really push this further, as the user can start exploring the juggling/wisp system. I want to be able to learn little tricks and stuff, really get into it.
    >>off of golan’s idea for aesthetic, wisps floating around that you can kind of grab with your skeleton would be REALLY great.

    Smooth implementation, sound concept.

    I like the theme. It’s interesting to see how you not only play with the bright spot, but also how the space where you are changes because of the composition. I would have added some sort of smoothing to the motion, so that the bright light does not move so rapidly sometimes.

    I really like that it encourages people to work together in a unique way. The animation on the ball could be a bit more dynamic. Could it be more pulse-y?

    Agreed with the above comments, I like how the ball encourages touching. I also think that the jumps are distracting a little bit — perhaps if there were some way to have a smooth animation from point ot point went it jumps.

    It would help a lot if you had some sort of smooth on the motion of the ball so it would jitter less.

    This is pretty cool but I wish the halo around the ball flickered or something – I think you could make it look really realistic.
    I wish the light coming off the ball slowely faded out with a gradient

    Some smoothing would help a lot with the wisp — seeing some jittery movement. agreed. Perspective is nice though.

    it might be nice to trim the background and illuminate a false scene…like trees in a forest.. or have it illuminate the objects in the space.

    Even though the graphics are a little rough, it has a really playful feeling to it that seems really sucessfull. The dof was a nice effect when you were rolling it down your arm.

    The ball looks nice, and the zoom in & out as you move toward & away from the Kinect is a great touch.

    Is the (wisp) flickering intentional (more apparent when skeletals were on)? Some of the above mentioned treatment would make this shine (pun). Technically speaking though, I’m impressed.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 21 February 2011 @ 12:56 pm

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