Susan Lin + Chong Han Chua — Interact, Sketches

by susanlin @ 12:37 am 7 February 2011

drawing and moving in a world via hand gestures.

This idea involves allows users to fly upwards (and ideally, if time permits, downwards, and then in all 360 degrees) using hand gestures on the Kinect. Given the right hand gesture, the user will generate a balloon and float up into the sky. The sky will be drawn and/or generated as the user floats. Scrolling will simulate the flight.

We aren’t 100% sure what the final product will be, it will really depend on the finesse of the gesture detection. Potentials include a game where you dodge or collect items in the sky. Or a flushed out virtual world to explore.

We do know that isn’t impossible to detect fingers:

This idea was inspired by Volll’s site. This European design firm came up with a hard to hate layout and navigation scheme.

Excited for this upcoming collaboration with Chong Han.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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