Madeline Gannon & Marynel Vázquez – Project Sketch

by Marynel Vázquez @ 2:57 pm 5 February 2011

Ideas for the Interactive Project

We want to explore projection mapping and the Kinect. We started working on the project by thinking about places where we could project something, the content of the projection and different interaction modalities.


We then moved on to do some testing! We brought a projector and some boxes and modeled how they looked in illustrator. This was a completely ad-hoc approach, but gave us some insight about how things could look…



We ended up being interested in a small scale projection, where the projector is placed behind some sort of 3D canvas. We thought we could place the Kinect right before this canvas, such that it captures the viewers. The current idea we have consists of changing the content of the projection to show rainy, windy, sunny or dark scenarios. We thought that we could do some hand gesture recognition for the interaction (i.e. if the user moves its hands down, then the night comes…)

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