Ben Gotow-Looking Outwards (Kinect Edition)

by Ben Gotow @ 9:20 pm 1 February 2011

So I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do with the Kinect. I got one for christmas, and I still haven’t had time to do much with it. I’m a huge music person, and I’d like to create an interactive audio visualizer that takes input from body movement instead of perceivable audio qualities (volume, frequency waveforms, etc…). I think that using gestural input from a person dancing, conducting, or otherwise rocking out to music would provide a much more natural input, since it would accurately reflect the individual’s response to the audio. I can imagine pointing a Kinect at a club full of dancing people and using their movement to drive a wall-sized visualization. It’d be a beautifully human representation of the music.

I’ve been Googling to see if anyone is doing something like this already, and I haven’t been able to find anything really compelling. People have wired the Kinect through TUIO to drive fluid systems and particle emitters, but not for the specific purpose of representing a piece of music. I don’t find these very impressive, because they’re really dumbing down the rich input from the Kinect. They just treat the users’ hands as blobs, find their centers, and use those as multitouch points. It must be possible to do something more than that. But I haven’t tried yet, and I want everything to be real-time – so maybe not ;-)

Here are a few visual styles I’ve been thinking of trying to reproduce. The first is a bleeding long-exposure effect that was popularized by the iPod commercials a few years ago. Though it seems most people are doing this in After Effects, I think I can do it in OpenGL or maybe Processing:

This is possibly the coolest visualization I’ve seen in a while. However, it was done in 3D Studio Max with the Krakatoa plugin, and everything was painstakingly hand-scripted into a particle system. I love the way the light shoots through the particles (check out 0:16), though. I’d like to create something where the user’s hands are light sources… It’d be incredibly slick.

I’m not sure how to approach implementing something like this, and I’m still looking for existing platforms that can give me a leg-up. I have significant OpenGL experience and I’ve done fluid dynamics using Jos Stam’s Navier-Stokes equation solver, so I could fuse that to a custom renderer to get this done, but I’d like to focus on the art and input and let something else handle the graphics, so suggestions are welcome!

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