Alex Wolfe | Project 3 | Looking Outwards

by Alex Wolfe @ 11:43 am 1 February 2011

takram : furin

Furin is an interactive light installation. When a user steps underneath it, each light chimes and lets off a corresponding glow in a rippling effect across the space.  A simple interaction with beautiful results

Plaster cast of head is 3d scanned, and translated into drawings to create a sort of head -topo. More interesting would be the possibility of applying this to something alive rather than the plaster cast.

Kinect project, user can push/stretch simulated skin using the kinect. My favorite is when you catch the glimpse of detail underneath, like lips or a finger

1 Comment

  1. Also see:

    Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Pulse”:

    Artificiel, “Condemned Bulbes”:

    Comment by Golan Levin — 6 February 2011 @ 10:40 pm

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