Meg Richards – Project 2 Update

by Meg Richards @ 5:52 am 24 January 2011

I’ve processed the network traffic from the border and incorporated the free database of IP<->Country mappings to plot the source and destination IPs on a map of the earth. The sphere is given an earth-like texture from Marius Watz’s TileSaver lib that takes a rectangular image and applies it across a sphere. In this case I used the Blue Marble image of the earth provided by NASA.

The border network traffic is well-suited to being plotted on a map, but I still need to finalize the presentation of core traffic. With such a small set of IPs representing internal traffic (mostly 128.2 and 128.237 prefixes) it might be possible to represent the flow of internal traffic as a water simulation or as a set of edges and vertices where the vertex size denotes the amount of traffic it receives.


  1. Would this be a static image or an animation over time. I think it would be interesting if you could draw the info flying out over time and let the user zoom and rotate the globe. Also, would it be possible to associate the ips with webpages to build demographic data (news, enterntainment, youtube, porn, etc) and color the packets as they traverse the map?

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 5:00 pm
  2. Would this be a static image or an animation over time. I think it would be interesting if you could draw the info flying out over time and let the user zoom and rotate the globe. Also, would it be possible to associate the ips with webpages to build demographic data (news, entertainment, youtube, porn, etc) and color the packets as they traverse the map?

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 5:00 pm

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