Susan Lin — InfoViz, Update

by susanlin @ 11:56 pm 23 January 2011

I have started to tackle my project. I see this in 2 parts:

1. Data Wrangling – Source: Comments RSS. Here is the simple way I am attempting to make sense of it and putting it in a form:

  • Indicate +/- words
  • Input: comment
  • Output: categories
  • Change radius based on number of words
  • Irregular shape: vector function, RNG  for shape, +/- for change

2. Form – Starting here as it made more sense for me to, the exact means of wrangling the data will depend on how I’d like things to look/interact. A bit backwards, but works best for me.
Starting places: Bouncy Bubbles, Lava Lamp


  1. Bouncy Bubbles is a great resource! I can see you merging that with the Laval Lamp … hah angry word blobs fighting away.

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 4:10 pm
  2. Oh, also check out Synesketch for Processing, a textual emotion recognition and visualization library.

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 4:53 pm

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