LeWei-Project 2 Update-InfoViz

by Le Wei @ 11:09 pm 23 January 2011

I changed my project idea pretty drastically since last week. I’m now going to be working with a website [http://www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk/] that hosts images of a ton of coins from the UK, all the way back to 3-digit years. The UK has a tradition, like many places, of putting their current leader on the face of their coins. Because they have been a monarchy since forever, many of their Queens and Kings have images of them from the majority of their lives catalogued through these coins. My base project will be to create sort of a flipbook that shows the coins in chronological order, so we can see how their appearance change over the years. If I have time, I might add a little information about the historical context of the coins. So far, I have a complete dataset of the images and the monarch and year of each coin. I was out of town this weekend so unfortunately not much got done on the coding front, but it shouldn’t be too hard to turn the data into an animation pretty quickly, so that is my next goal.


  1. I think some of Golan’s suggestions about looking into the actual physical shape and symbols as well as the chronological portraits could be interesting. Could you also use google to pull up some words and info on the individual people on these coins as well?

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 5:36 pm
  2. I was actually thinking of picking out some details about them from the internet or wikipedia. But I wasn’t sure how to display it best alongside the coins.

    Comment by Le Wei — 24 January 2011 @ 6:39 pm

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