Project 2: General Direction

by Asa Foster @ 8:26 pm 22 January 2011

The Age of Adz

After a productive brainstorming session with Golan, I have decided that I will be doing a study of people’s intangible connection to music. The specific piece – Sufjan Stevens’ 5 part, 25-minute long suite “Impossible Soul” – will be played to a listener, who during which will be asked to, in their heads, define some variable by which to rate the music using a physical knob supplied to them. This self defined variable could be something as basic as “how much I’m liking it at the moment” to something more of the obtuse hippie psychobabble type such as “how much the music is flowing with my inner karmic energy”. Using whatever rating scale they choose, the listener will be asked to track their response over time with the knob, and the information will be presented in graph form.

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