
by ppm @ 3:47 am 19 January 2011

The idea is to render color palettes over time for a selection of movies. We could look for color trends by genre or year, or play a “match the movie to the palette” game like so:

Of course I don’t know what the rendered palettes will look like yet–I will have to try and see.


  1. The technique you are using is called slit scanning. I notice Golan has a nice blog post and code example as well.

    I would suggest trying out ways to correlate movie data (the subject matter, film location, genre, director, actors etc) with the overall color palete. Perhaps you’d discover Brad Pitt’s movies all have more blue in them or that romantic comedies are mostly reds and pastels? Who knows? Definitely look into Color Codes as mentioned in class.

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 4:31 pm
  2. Thanks for the tip, but this is a mock-up made with the gradient tool in The Gimp. The actual project just uses mathematical analysis of the video data–no cameras involved.

    Edit – related: xkcd color survey

    Comment by ppm — 25 January 2011 @ 11:06 pm

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