InfoViz: Potential Data Sources

by cdoomany @ 5:12 pm 19 January 2011

1. Pachube

“Pachube is a convenient, secure & scalable platform that helps you connect to & build the ‘internet of things’, Store, share & discover realtime sensor, energy and environment data from objects, devices & buildings around the world.”

A possible project would be to create a Processing/Arduino application that uses a remote or an international data feed to control a software animation or hardware that visualizes the data in some form

2. The FreeSound Project

A collaborative database of recordings that can be used to easily obtain sounds for audio analysis and processing

3. Realtime ambient sensor data from a local source

Monitor environmental data from a public space and display that information visually in the space in order to provide an augmented sensory experience for the observer. (ex. visualization of  ambient wind velocity)


  1. Hi Charles,
    I’m delighted about your interest in bridging the physical world with the world of information, via Arduino etc. However, the things you describe above are a little ‘content-free’. You want to display data from ‘a sensor’, great.. but which sensor, where? What does that sensor mean, and to whom? Why, where and how often would someone monitor that sensor?

    Comment by Golan Levin — 20 January 2011 @ 11:23 am
  2. Here is a update project decription:

    Comment by cdoomany — 20 January 2011 @ 2:19 pm

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