Susan Lin — InfoViz, Possible Data Sources

by susanlin @ 1:28 am 17 January 2011
  1. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.
    This article set a cultural debate on fire, it’d be great to map the 7k comments or many rebuttals, somehow. Perhaps mapping some reoccurring ideas based on stereotypes.
  2. Twitter as better than Jenny Craig.
    Use public tweets track what people have been eating, how much weight has been loss, how much support they’ve had … This is a prevailing hot topic of all times which will have a constant stream of new tweets.
    See related articles on ABC News and Lifehacker. It apparently works!
  3. Catfight!
    I know cats on the internet are kind of overdone, but I still love it. Use Google Trends to provide mappings of popularity of certain memes, e.g. lolrus vs. happy cat.

1 Comment

  1. Analyzing the online comment flamewar would be super interesting. Check out the Stanford natural language processing java toolkit which you could use in Processing. Also, you could leverage Google Trends to track the popularity, source of viewers, etc of the page and any associated links …

    Comment by Dan Wilcox — 24 January 2011 @ 4:00 pm

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