Looking outwards – week2

by huaishup @ 1:33 am 17 January 2011
  1. State of Balance: Artificial versus Natural
  2. This project using a physical representation to exploring the complex relationship between the global emitted and absorbed carbon dioxide emissions.

    See detail

    I choose this project for several reasons:

    1. among millions of graphic visualization projects, this one stands out for its special representation – using tangible objects to explore the data.

    2. Good concept. By changing the rice in different icon objects, one can see directly from the balance changing that even a tiny little changing in the world can ruin the world’s balance. Very interesting concept and representation.

  3. A Week in the Life
  4. this is another physical visualization project. See details.

    In this project, the data sculpture represents the author’s one week movement and communication made with his cell phone.

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