Looking Outwards – Project 2

by chaotic*neutral @ 3:22 am 17 January 2011

Pa++ern – by daito

Datasets to use:
+ Comments on Youtube video or possibly 4Chan, parsing text to see what trends come from it
+ Facebook Network Packets w/ Carnivore PE or personal account data scraping w/ php
+ Game Engine Events
+ web stats – stat whore (combine networks, gmail, sms, analytics, YT hits, games, etc)

Questions to ask:
Does the data necessarily need to be visual – couldn’t it be audible, feel-able, smell-able?
My biggest problem with information visualization is the seemingly lack of human experience – the phenomenological.

Sorry if this offends anyone — but it asks critical questions of network culture

tits or gtfo from Chris Beckman on Vimeo.

1 Comment

  1. I think the Youtube comments is a great place to start, and you’re clearly making progress on the FB network packets thing too.

    I think it would be very helpful (both for the reader of this blog post, but more especially for you) if you could discuss the “critical questions of network culture” that the above video asks. I don’t disagree — I just want to hear more.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 20 January 2011 @ 11:31 am

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