Alex Wolfe | Data Visualization | Looking Outwards

by Alex Wolfe @ 4:22 am 17 January 2011

Poetry on the Road | Boris Müller

I like the abstraction of this piece. It is less of an “infographic”, finding a way to display the data in a visually appealing/informative manner, and more of a unique structure on its own, using the data merely as a means to an end. The work takes a poem and generates a single sheet of “paper” with multiple lines to make folds on. Each line represents a word that changes depending on its length and frequency. It is then folded in order to create unique forms, like a “mad oragami master”. As well as the abstraction element, I like the aspect that this piece would be so easy to bring into the physical realm. As well as a digital object, you could print out the flat “paper” state and actually create the maddening sculptures, maybe bringing them to an even architectural scale.

Asteroid Discovery From 1980 – 2010 | Scott Manley

“View of the solar system showing the locations of all the asteroids starting in 1980. As asteroids are discovered they are added to the map and highlighted in white so that you can pick out the new ones.” Simple, clean and visually appealing. I especially like how you can pick out the differences between the technology they were using to discover asteroids in the different eras by the frequency and placement of the sparking new white asteroids.

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