Project 2: Data Visualization – Project Brainstorm

by Asa Foster @ 7:35 pm 16 January 2011

I would like to do some sort of physical representation (i.e. Rubens’ Tube) of data, with physical information being represented physically. I would also like to do something involving beer, as starting a brewery is a future goal of mine and a group of friends.

One idea that was tossed around was the creation of a “smart coaster” that would visualize data about the beer in the glass that is on it. It would be controlled by an arduino with a pressure/weight sensor, as well as a potential temperature sensor. It would feed data to a program that would represent the fullness of the beer (shown in a battery level type graphic) and its temperature. The program would be written in MaxMSP, and the hardware would theoretically be able to be replicated a number of times with their information all shown on a common screen.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Asa,
    These ideas are good, but ambitious given the amount of time you have to execute the project. Could you please upload an updated blog post with your latest concept, given the discussion(s) you had yesterday?

    Comment by Golan Levin — 20 January 2011 @ 11:08 am

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