
by Le Wei @ 9:17 pm 16 January 2011


Anthroposts [http://anthroposts.com/] is a collection of found post-it notes from various locations across the globe. The interactive site gives users the option to organize them by color, complexity, location, topic, and more, and can create a web of post it notes that use the same words. You can also click on each individual note to see its contents and get an interesting little glimpse into the life of some stranger. The information available about the content of each note was generated by humans through Mechanical Turk, so there are some pretty interesting and rich categories to play around with.

Personality Infographic Generator


This project is basically a really pretty survey, but is advertised as a “personality infographic generator”. It starts by asking the user a few questions about their favorite food, mode of transport, online activity, etc. and then compiles them into an infographic displaying their answers next to statistics of what other people answered. What really struck me about this was that even though I didn’t realize you could change the language of the survey (it defaults to Portuguese), the icons were communicative enough so that I basically knew what was being asked. Although the content of the infographic is not particularly illuminating, its a good example of a visualization that both collects and displays information, and with nice graphics to boot.

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