shawn sims-lookingOutwards-2

by Shawn Sims @ 2:55 am 12 January 2011

Philip Beesley is an architect that produces sculptures that blur the line between biology and architecture. They are responsive, kinetic, and offer unique interactions with the users of the space. Endothelium is a project that is designed to be deployed across a landscape and it burrows itself in by collecting energy from the wind and then charging organic batteries that turn small vibrators. The feet of the tripods begin to go deeper into the soil and the entire geotextile starts to merge with the earth below.

Projects like this become very interesting when you begin to discuss the potential for highly adaptable software to couple this responsive hardware. New landscapes and architecture become possible when our static spaces are left behind and replaced with ones like Beesley imagines. After all, why should we be designing static environments for our dynamic bodies and lifestyles?

find out more about the work of Philip Beesley here

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