shawn sims-schotter

by Shawn Sims @ 1:44 am 12 January 2011

If you move your mouse slowly from the top of the grid to the bottom you will see the chaos ensue. This is the processing.js version above and below is the same code embedded in a jar applet.

This is the same Schotter interaction in c++ with the openFrameworks library.

Processing code below

// shawn sims

int xCount = 12;
int yCount = 20;

int boxSize = 20;
int distort = mouseY;
int gridShift = 50;

int resetMouse = 0;

void setup(){

void draw(){

int xLocation = (width - gridShift)/xCount;
int yLocation = (height - gridShift)/yCount;

int rowCount = (height - gridShift)/yLocation;
int column = (width - gridShift)/xLocation;

int distortion = 0;
int distortionRotate = 55/(distortion+rowCount);

for( int i=0; i

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