
by Samia @ 2:49 am 12 January 2011

Just Landed – Jer Thorp

Just Landed mapped the travels of twitter users, by searching for the words “Just landed in” in tweets, and comparing the location to that of the user’s listed hometown.
I was first attracted to this piece because of it’s simply beauty. It very, very well excuted, which really allows the viewer to see the information, as opposed to looking and a table of information and disregarding it. This piece struck me for two reasons. First, it makes me very very aware of how public the internet is. Even though I may only have 30odd followers on twitter does not meant that my tweets are invisible to everyone. Sharing flight and vacation information in such a public way makes me worry about this ala pleaserobme. This point, however, is general internet unnecessary panic. More interesting to me was simply how USA/English centric the project was, undoubtedly because the program only searched for the English phrase. Seeing this literally mapped out for me made me wonder about what this map would look like for another language, and indeed, how much of the internet I do not access because I only proficiently speak English.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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