Meg Richards – Schotter

by Meg Richards @ 8:02 am 12 January 2011


Processing Applet:

Source Code:

void setup() {
 // define the window size & enable anti-aliasing
 size(550, 800);
 noFill(); // not solid squares
 noLoop(); // only draw() once
void draw() {
 // allow for some padding around the edge
 int x = 0, y = 0, side = 30;
 int i = 0;    // increment just like the original
 float j1, j2; // random numbers for translation and rotation
 for (int k = 0; k < 24; k++ ) { // iterate through y-axis
   for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { // iterate through x-axis
     translate(x, y); // re-define coordinate axis to square
     // pick increasingly variable random numbers for
     j1 = random(-15*i/244,15*i/244); // translation
     j2 = random(-15*i/244,15*i/244); // & rotation
     // rotation should only affect one square at a time,
     //   so push and then pop that alteration to the coordinate axis
     rotate(radians(j2));  // rotate the axis
     rect(j1, j1, 30, 30); // plot the square
     popMatrix(); // return the axis to its original state
     x=30; // x-position advances for each square drawn in row
     y=0;  // y-position shouldn't change in the middle of a row
   x=-450; // return x to beginning of row position
   y=30;   // adjust y to next row


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