Marynel Vázquez – LookingOutwards – 3

by Marynel Vázquez @ 8:10 am 12 January 2011

LED Eyelash (official project website)

Why do women want larger and bigger eyes? Asian women tend to have stronger needs for bigger eyes as a standard of beauty, but relatively few of them are born with naturally big eyes. Those without big eyes can only look for alternative ways to make their eyes look prettier… the desires for bigger eyes can become almost obsessive, and many women opt for plastic surgery in order to make their dream come true.

I’ve seen people putting LEDs in their mouth, in their nose, but never thought of eyelashes. I find fascinating the implementation of this project as it really focuses on the goal of highlighting the eyes, without obstruction from electronics. I wonder what fashion trends will be coming up in the next few years…

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