
by Le Wei @ 2:15 am 12 January 2011

Lia Martinez’s Planet Maker

Lia Martinez’s Planet Maker is a cute kid-centric interactive project that allows you to create a planet using your voice. You talk, scream, sing, etc. into a pipe and buildings and objects are haphazardly thrown onto your planet. The whole image is displayed on a piece of fabric that you can touch and punch to restart.

My favorite part of this is the display. I love that its projected onto a piece of fabric and the whole punching interaction seems really fun. It’s a huge contrast to the displays we’re used to, and a lot more friendly. I’m less enthusiastic about the actual planet. It doesn’t seem like you have much control over what its doing, even if it is reacting to your voice. I don’t really buy into stuff that is advertised as “everyone gets their own unique thing” when they all end up looking like they are made randomly.

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