Chong Han Chua – Looking Outwards 1

by Chong Han Chua @ 4:54 am 12 January 2011

My introduction to Interactive Art is through Robert Hodgins.. and I’m a big fan of his work. My favorite work of his, although not prominently featured, is his magnetic ink project.

Magnetic ink is a project that attempts to document the process of magnetic ink prints; that which attracts me is the entire beauty of the presentation. There are a few orbs spinning ontop of what seems like a surface, and ink splatters off the orbs to form nice traces on the surface. There is a zen like quality to this entire video – I love it very much and would very much like to reproduce it one day.

My only critique of this, and many of his work, is that they tend to not be real time.

From this project, I see the possibility of generating ink or paint based artwork using some sort of process that is generated by a larger system of forces. I think the entire idea is very enticing and has lots of potential for organically generated forms.

Magnetic Ink, Process video from flight404 on Vimeo.

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